Kathleen was the name I was born with
And it is forever with me
No matter how much I desire to change it
Maybe to something more unique
Like Elinor or Thalia
Names that get stuck in your head
I used to look up at the sky and dream
Dream of sitting on the saddle in high-end cowboy boots
Instead of slouching on my simple bike seat in old Nike’s
Caging me in to doubt in my abilities
My never-ending world
A simple ranch with exotic animals filling pens
Home to my friends the deer, llama, and buffalo
Filled with creations of mud pies and tepees
And old friends with their burial ceremonies
Me a famous veterinarian
Who could have saved them all
Having people lined up for miles, pets in tow
Happiness, I thought, did not
Lie in my seemingly simplistic life
But in entering my safe haven
That step across the threshold to outdoors
Where I found someone else
Not quite unlike me, but still someone not Kathleen
I didn’t intend to accept myself
But year by year
Month by month
day by day
Acceptance would flash across my face in the mirror
Instead of doubt
When I saw my mind, body, and face
Begin to grow out of their basic form
The thing about Kathleen
Maybe someday we can meet up
Go for a horseback ride
Swap stories
Because I might like what I learn