Thomas looks at the clock, only ten seconds left in the final game of his high school career. He takes in the floor, scanning, surveying, and finally he finds an attack point. Like a wild mustang, he drives into two defenders, breaking free from the six-foot, burly boys. Just as he’s ready to make a layup, he sees the only freshman on the team and passes the ball at the last second. Just like Thomas gave up his last shot of the season in his era of extracurricular sports, many students’ extracurricular activities help students to improve themselves through learning to share the spotlight and discovering their identity.
Extracurricular activities help students improve themselves by teaching humility. For example, Joe is the star running back and receiver on the varsity football team and is taking his team to the state playoffs. However, during this crucial game of his final season, he finally understands the good ‘ole, infamous, said-by-every-coach-in-the-world: “There is no I in team.” This epiphany hits him in the final quarter of the game with only a minute left on the clock and four yards to go on the fourth down. The moment he hears the play called, he knows his personal game plan- give the ball to a less successful teammate and give them their moment to shine. Just like Joe, many students in extracurricular activities have this same moment of learning it’s not the all-about-me-show, but that it’s about everyone else involved as well. Therefore, extracurricular activities help students improve in humility and selflessness.
Furthermore, students also improve themselves through extracurricular activities by developing more confidence. For example, I’m involved in the White Oak Future Farmers of America Chapter and am on the area champion, state-bound, undefeated Milk Quality Products team. Through these amazing, unique, and hilarious trips and practices, I’ve learned to accept myself through my teammates and chapter members, ten times more than I would have if I weren’t involved in my chapter. Not only have I found myself and accepted who I am, I’ve also gained immense confidence in myself and feel more comfortable in my skin than before. For many students, extracurricular activities are not only enjoyable, but a way to find their own beat to march to. Therefore, extracurricular activities help students to improve by giving them confidence and acceptance of themselves everyone should have.
The freshman, Terry, catches the rough, leather, orange basketball and stands in his place, as though he’s in quicksand, paralyzed with fear, shock, and awe. Terry sets his feet and form, then swish! and the crowd is roaring. Not only do extracurricular activities teach students a specific skill set, those activities also teach students to improve themselves and accept themselves.