My name is Katie, and I’m a freshman in high school, and here are some things about me.
Spending time with God, my friends, and my family are my main concerns. I value those close relationships I have with almost all my family and friends and would love to have those relationships grow; I’m working on becoming closer to God.
I play basketball, and have been playing it for three years. It’s one of my favorite sports to play, either competitively or just with friends. Another sport I participate in is the 100 and 300 meter hurdles. In general, I love to participate in most things. This year, I’m also starting CX (Cross Examination) Debate, which is partner debate, and joining FFA (Future Farmers’ of America).
Outside of school activities, I try to volunteer and be involved in my community. Here recently I volunteered to help with a Mud Run for charity. Every year, I also, volunteer in the Great Texas Balloon Races. In my family, it’s a tradition and something I’ve done for as long as I can remember. I’ve grown up with most of the people who have been involved with it, and they all feel like family.